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Philip "Saga Boy" Jones

Saga Boy, the Trini term for a male who is a stylish dresser, except here Saga had extended his swagger to the décor of his home.


He works with found objects and tree roots, many brightly painted and lacquered to preserve their vibrancy.


He prefers digging up tree roots versus scouring for driftwood. Saga chooses fresh roots because of the sense of vibrancy and aliveness missing from the driftwood.  Part of his process is to search by on moon lit nights for pieces of wood.  “All ah them there is dig, you dig them.  The moon, you have to have the moon.

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IMG_0119 Sagaboy
IMG_0106 Sagaboy
IMG_0105 Saga

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2121 Natomas Crossing Drive, Suite 200, Sacramento, CA 95834

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